Plan B Documentary
Based on Lester Brown’s Plan B book series, this 90-minute film, by award-winning film producers Marilyn and Hal Weiner, premiered on PBS stations across the United States on March 30, 2011.
The film follows Lester as he speaks in Beijing, Seoul, Tokyo, New Delhi, Rome, Istanbul, Ankara, and Washington, DC, and visits with world leaders to discuss Plan B—a roadmap that will help eradicate poverty, stabilize population, and protect and restore our planet’s fisheries, forests, aquifers, soils, grasslands, and biological diversity.
Along with Lester Brown, you will hear from notable scholars and scientists including Nobel Laureate Paul Krugman, Pulitzer Prize winner and New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman, and former Governor and Secretary of the Interior Bruce Babbitt.
Narrated by Matt Damon, well-known for his work raising environmental awareness. He is a 2011 winner of the Heart of Green Awards.
Plan B Documentary: Educator’s Edition
Educators and conference organizers should order performance copies of the film, which also includes a discussion guide.

To order PBS version for home viewing:
Online: http:/
Call: (US) +803.737.3200
Email: [email protected]
Write to: SCETV Marketing
1101 George Rogers Blvd.
Columbia, SC 29201 USA
Data Highlights Introduction
Data Highlights focus on specific indicators or environmental issues to spotlight the vast amount of data compiled at Earth Policy Institute.
Translation of Books
Languages Listed By Alphabetical Order
A - F | G - I | J - R | S - Z
A - F
ARABIC (Eco-Economy)
PO Box 21
1081 Corniche El Nil
Garden City, Cairo
ARABIC (Plan B 2.0)
El Nahda Tower - 21, Ahmed Orabi St.
Mohandeseen, Giza, Cairo
Phone: 202 3466434
Fax: 202 3462576
ARABIC (Outgrowing the Earth)
Dr. Eng. Akram Shhaideh
Constanta, Romania
[email protected]
BENGALI (Full Planet, Empty Plates)
Sankar Sen
BULGARIAN (Plan B 2.0, Plan B 3.0, Plan 4.0, World on the Edge, Full Planet, Empty Plates)
Paper Tiger Publishing
47A Tsarigradsko Shausse, fl. 4
1504 Sofia
Phone: 359 2 843 53 89
Email: [email protected]
CATALAN (Eco-Economy)
Centro UNESCO de Catalunya
Mallorca, 285
08037 Barcelona, Spain
Phone: 34 934 589595
Fax: 34 934 575851
Email: [email protected]
CHINESE/Mainland (Plan B 4.0, World on the Edge, Full Planet, Empty Plates, Breaking New Ground)
Shanghai Scientific & Technological Education Publisher
Number 393 Guan Sheng Yuan Road
200235, Shanghai
Phone: 8621 6470 4367
CHINESE/Mainland (Eco-Economy, Earth Policy Reader, Plan B, Outgrowing the Earth, Plan B 2.0, Plan B 3.0)
People's Publishing
Oriental Press
166 Chaonei Street
Beijing 100706
Phone: 86 010 65132966
Fax: 86 010 65132885
CHINESE/Taiwan (Eco-Economy & Plan B 2.0)
Taiwan Watch Institute
4F, 35, Huai Ning Street
Taipei 100
Phone: 886 2 3898183
Fax: 886 2 3899036
Email: [email protected]
Forlaget Hovedland
Elsdyrvej 4
DK-8270 Højbjerg
Phone: 45 86 27 65 00
Fax: 45 86 27 65 37
Email: [email protected]
DANISH (Plan B 2.0)
Miljø-og EnergiCentret i Høje Taastrup
Hoje Taastrup Blvd 60
2630 Taastrup
Phone: 4399 5101
DANISH (World on the Edge)
Jakob Jespersen, translator
Electronic Download:
Chapters 1 & 2
DUTCH (World on the Edge, Full Planet, Empty Plates, Breaking New Ground)
Maurits Groen MGMC
Wilhelminastraat 18
2011 VM Haarlem
The Netherlands
Phone: 31 023-542 46 56
Email: [email protected]
ESPERANTO (Plan B 3.0)
S.A.T. Eldona Fako Kooperativa
Robin Beto, translator
67 av. Gambetta
75020 Paris
email: [email protected]
FARSI/Iran (all books)
Taravati Bahar Institute
No 6, Villa 13
Villa street, Hafte Tir Blvd
Phone: 98 511 86 78 331
FINNISH (The Great Transition)
Into Publishing
Meritullinkatu 21
00170 Helsinki
Summaries of Plan B 2.0 and Plan B 3.0
provided by the Department for Development Policy,
Ministry for Foreign Affairs
FRENCH (World on the Edge, The Great Transition)
Souffle Court Editions
216 Impasse du Teura
38190 Bernin
website: http:/
Phone: 33 6 16 92 18 94
with Rue de l'Echiquier (World on the Edge)
Rue de l'Echiquier
40, rue de l'Echiquier
75010 Paris
Phone: 33 1 42 47 08 26
FRENCH (Plan B 2.0)
Editions Calmann-Levy with Souffle Court
31 rue de Fleurus
75006 Paris
Phone: 33 1 49 54 36 00
Souffle Court Editions
216 Impasse du Teura
38190 Bernin
FRENCH (Eco-Economy)
Editions du Seuil
27, rue Jacob
75006 Paris
Phone: 33 1 40 46 50 50
Email: [email protected]
Top of List
G - I
GERMAN (Plan B 2.0, Plan B 3.0, Plan B 4.0)
Kai Homilius Verlag
Brandenburger Str. 36
14542 Werder/Havel
Phone: 49 30 283 88 510
Email: [email protected]
GREECE (World on the Edge)
Ilias Fountoulis
Editio Chronico
Taygetou 21
Athens 11255
Tel.: +302102234031, Mob.: +306944390877
Site: http:/, E-mail: [email protected]
HINDI (Plan B 3.0)
Globally Managed Services
Mumbai Educational Trust, 6th Floor
General A. K. Vaidya Chowk
Bandra Reclamation
Mumbai 400 050, India
Phone: 91 22 644 0000
HUNGARIAN (Plan B 3.0, Plan B 4.0, World on the Edge, Full Planet, Empty Plates, Breaking New Ground, The Great Transition)
David Biro, translator
Electronic Downloads:
Plan B 3.0
Plan B 4.0
World on the Edge
Full Planet, Empty Plates
Breaking New Ground (A Personal History)
The Great Transition
INDIA/English (Plan B 3.0)
Globally Managed Services
Mumbai Educational Trust, 6th Floor
General A. K. Vaidya Chowk
Bandra Reclamation
Mumbai 400 050, India
Phone: 91 22 644 0000
INDIA/English (Eco-Economy, The Reader, Plan B, Outgrowing the Earth)
Orient Longman
3-6-272 Himayat Nagar
Andhra Pradesh
Hyderabad 500 029
Phone: 40 3224305, 3224294
Fax: 40 3222900
Email: [email protected]
INDIA/Tamil (Eco-Economy)
Poovulagin Nanbargal
306/6 Belly Area Anna Nagar Chennai 600 040
Yayasan Obor Indonesia
Jl. Plaju No. 10
Jakarta 10230
(English edition.)
INDONESIAN (Eco-Economy)
Indonesian Greenchoice Foundation
Jl. Gombel Permai VI/91
Semarang 50261
P.T. Dinastindo Adiperkasa Int.
Jalan Kemiri Raya Nomor 68
Pondok Cabe - Ciputat 15418
Phone: 021 7496733
Fax: 021 7407078
ITALIAN (The Reader, Plan B,
Outgrowing the Earth, Plan B 3.0, Plan B 4.0, World on the Edge, Full Planet, Empty Plates,
Breaking New Ground)
Edizioni Ambiente
via Natale Battaglia 10
20127 Milano (Italy)
T. +39 02 45487277 - F. +39 02 45487333
Mobile +39 393 9088688 / +39 347 0161682
[email protected]
ITALIAN (Eco-Economy)
Editori Riuniti
Via Alberico II, 33
00193 Roma
Phone: 39 06 6889951
Fax: 3906 6868696
ITALIAN (Plan B 4.0)
Electronic Download
Top of List
J - R
JAPANESE (The Great Transition)
Iwanami Shoten
2-5-5 Hitotsubashi
Tokyo 101-8002.
JAPANESE (World on the Edge)
Diamond Inc.
6-12-17, Jingu-mae
Tokyo, 150-8409
ph: 81-3-5778-7232
fx: 81-3-5778-6618
JAPANESE (Plan B, Outgrowing the Earth, Plan B 2.0, Plan B 3.0, Plan B 4.0, Full Planet, Empty Plates,
Breaking New Ground)
World Watch Japan
24-1 Bessho 2-chome, Urawa-shi
Saitama 336
Phone/Fax: 813 3235 3690
Email: [email protected]
JAPANESE (Eco-Economy & The Reader)
Ie-No Hikari Association
11 Itigaya-Funagawaramati
Sinjuku-Fu Tokyo 162-1488
Phone: 813 3266 9000
Fax: 813 3266 9048
KOREAN (all books)
110 A/2F. DongYang Bodg., 34-7
Jeong-Dong, Jung-gu
Seoul 100 120
Phone: 82 2 7254884
Fax: 82 2 7254840
Email: [email protected]
MARATHI (Eco-Economy & Plan B 2.0)
Prakash Kardile
Maharashtra, India
Email: [email protected]
NORWEGIAN (Plan B 3.0, Plan B 4.0)
Vats, 3570 Al
Phone: 47 3208 4398
PERSIAN (see Farsi)
POLISH (Eco-Economy & The Reader)
Ksiazka I Wiedza
ul. Smolna 13
00-373 Warszawa
Phone: 48 22 827 94 16
Fax: 48 22 827 94 23
Email: [email protected]
PDF available at
PORTUGUESE/Brazil (Plan B 4.0,World on the Edge)
Virtu Editora e Productora Ltda.
Rua Funchal, 551, 8 andar
CEP 04551-060, Sao Paulo, SP
Phone: 55 11 3048 3100
Fax: 55 11 3845 2428
European Environmental Tribunal & the city of Trancoso, Portugal
Camara Municipal de Trancoso
Copies available for free
UMA - Universidade Livre da Mata
Atlantica Casa Pia -
Av. Frederico Pontes 375
40460-001 Salvador Bahia
Phone/Fax: 55 71 312-7897
Electronic download: Eco-Economy
ROMANIAN (Eco-Economy, The Reader, Outgrowing the Earth, Plan B series,
World on the Edge, Full Planet, Empty Plates)
Editura Tehnica
Piata Presei Libere 1
71341 Bucharest 33
Phone: 40 21 224 3666
Fax: 40 21 252 5077
Email: [email protected]
RUSSIAN (Plan B 4.0)
Limited Company Publishing House Eksmo
Clara Zetkine Str. 18/5
127299 Moscow
RUSSIAN (Eco-Economy)
Ves' Mir Publishers
Kolpachny per., 9a
Moscow 101831
Phone: 7 095 9178749
Fax: 7 095 9179259
Email: [email protected]
RUSSIAN (World on the Edge)
AST-Press Kniga
13, build. 4
Perevedenovsky pereulok
105082 Moscow
Top of List
S - Z
SLOVENIA (Plan B 3.0)
Ucila International
Cesta Kokskega odreda 18
4294 Krize
Phone: 386 459 80000
SPANISH (Plan B 2.0, Plan B 3.0, Plan B 4.0, World on the Edge, Full Planet, Empty Plates,
Breaking New Ground, The Great Transition)
Centre of Studies for Sustainable Development (CEID)
Carrera 7 # 237 - 04
Bogotá, Colombia
Email: [email protected]
SPANISH (Outgrowing the Earth)
Translated by Gerardo Jimenez
Electronic download
SPANISH/Latin America (Eco-Economy)
Fundación Polar
Apdt. Postal 70934 Los Ruices
Caracas, Venezuela
SPANISH/Spain (Eco-Economy)
Hacer Editorial
c/ Carme, 16, 2o 1a
08001 Barcelona SPAIN
Phone/Fax: 34 93 317-5801
SPANISH/Spain & Latin America (Plan B)
Paidos Iberica
Mariano Cubi, 92
08021 Barcelona SPAIN
Phone: 34 93 241 9250
Fax: 34 93 202 2954
Email: [email protected]
SWEDISH (Plan B 4.0 - Uppdrag: rädda civilisationen, World on the Edge, Full Planet, Empty Plates,
Breaking New Ground)
R-H Förlag
Öllers väg 7 D
S-295 74 Näsum
SWEDISH (Plan B 3.0 - Uppdrag: rädda jorden!)
Addera Förlag AB
Box 92010
120 06 Stockholm
Electronic download
SWEDISH (Plan B 2.0)
Chapters available in PDF online at
Kobfai Publishing
Foundation for Democracy & Dev Studies
Pridi Banomyong Bldg.
65/1 Sukhurnfit 55 Road
Wattana, Bangkok 10110
Phone: 66 2 7127402
Fax: 66 2 7127403
TURKISH (Eco-Economy, Outgrowing the Earth, Plan B 3.0)
Cayircimen Sokak
A2 Blok D 10
Emlak Kredi Ploklari
Phone: 90 212 281 1027
Fax: 90 212 281 1132
Email: [email protected]
UNITED KINGDOM/English (Eco-Economy, The Reader,
Outgrowing the Earth, World on the Edge)
Taylor & Francis Group
2&4 Park Square, Milton Park
Abingdon, Oxfordshire, OX14 4RN
Tel: +44 (0)20 7017 6000
UKRAINIAN (Eco-Economy)
Institute for Sustainable Development
24/7 Instytutska St.
Office 49
Kyiv, 01021
Phone: 38 044 5280789
Fax: 38 050 4408102
Email: [email protected]
VIETNAMESE (World on the Edge)
Hanh Lien, translator
Electronic Download
Top of List
Top of Page
Translations of Plan B Updates, Eco-Economy Indicators, Book Bytes
The following are links to sites offering a variety of translated articles of Earth Policy Institute. EPI is grateful for the work of these remarkable volunteers.
Top of Page
Book Bytes Introduction
Highlights and adaptations from Earth Policy Institute's books and research.
Plan B Updates Introduction
Plan B Updates are released as new developments and initiatives occur. They focus on trends affecting progress toward a sustainable future. Updates are also offered in Bengali, Chinese, Danish, Farsi, French1, French2, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Portugese, Spanish, Spanish 2, and Swedish.