Translation of Books
Languages Listed By Alphabetical Order
A - F | G - I | J - R | S - Z
A - F
ARABIC (Eco-Economy)
PO Box 21
1081 Corniche El Nil
Garden City, Cairo
ARABIC (Plan B 2.0)
El Nahda Tower - 21, Ahmed Orabi St.
Mohandeseen, Giza, Cairo
Phone: 202 3466434
Fax: 202 3462576
ARABIC (Outgrowing the Earth)
Dr. Eng. Akram Shhaideh
Constanta, Romania
[email protected]
BENGALI (Full Planet, Empty Plates)
Sankar Sen
BULGARIAN (Plan B 2.0, Plan B 3.0, Plan 4.0, World on the Edge, Full Planet, Empty Plates)
Paper Tiger Publishing
47A Tsarigradsko Shausse, fl. 4
1504 Sofia
Phone: 359 2 843 53 89
Email: [email protected]
CATALAN (Eco-Economy)
Centro UNESCO de Catalunya
Mallorca, 285
08037 Barcelona, Spain
Phone: 34 934 589595
Fax: 34 934 575851
Email: [email protected]
CHINESE/Mainland (Plan B 4.0, World on the Edge, Full Planet, Empty Plates, Breaking New Ground)
Shanghai Scientific & Technological Education Publisher
Number 393 Guan Sheng Yuan Road
200235, Shanghai
Phone: 8621 6470 4367
CHINESE/Mainland (Eco-Economy, Earth Policy Reader, Plan B, Outgrowing the Earth, Plan B 2.0, Plan B 3.0)
People's Publishing
Oriental Press
166 Chaonei Street
Beijing 100706
Phone: 86 010 65132966
Fax: 86 010 65132885
CHINESE/Taiwan (Eco-Economy & Plan B 2.0)
Taiwan Watch Institute
4F, 35, Huai Ning Street
Taipei 100
Phone: 886 2 3898183
Fax: 886 2 3899036
Email: [email protected]
Forlaget Hovedland
Elsdyrvej 4
DK-8270 Højbjerg
Phone: 45 86 27 65 00
Fax: 45 86 27 65 37
Email: [email protected]
DANISH (Plan B 2.0)
Miljø-og EnergiCentret i Høje Taastrup
Hoje Taastrup Blvd 60
2630 Taastrup
Phone: 4399 5101
DANISH (World on the Edge)
Jakob Jespersen, translator
Electronic Download:
Chapters 1 & 2
DUTCH (World on the Edge, Full Planet, Empty Plates, Breaking New Ground)
Maurits Groen MGMC
Wilhelminastraat 18
2011 VM Haarlem
The Netherlands
Phone: 31 023-542 46 56
Email: [email protected]
ESPERANTO (Plan B 3.0)
S.A.T. Eldona Fako Kooperativa
Robin Beto, translator
67 av. Gambetta
75020 Paris
email: [email protected]
FARSI/Iran (all books)
Taravati Bahar Institute
No 6, Villa 13
Villa street, Hafte Tir Blvd
Phone: 98 511 86 78 331
FINNISH (The Great Transition)
Into Publishing
Meritullinkatu 21
00170 Helsinki
Summaries of Plan B 2.0 and Plan B 3.0
provided by the Department for Development Policy,
Ministry for Foreign Affairs
FRENCH (World on the Edge, The Great Transition)
Souffle Court Editions
216 Impasse du Teura
38190 Bernin
website: http:/
Phone: 33 6 16 92 18 94
with Rue de l'Echiquier (World on the Edge)
Rue de l'Echiquier
40, rue de l'Echiquier
75010 Paris
Phone: 33 1 42 47 08 26
FRENCH (Plan B 2.0)
Editions Calmann-Levy with Souffle Court
31 rue de Fleurus
75006 Paris
Phone: 33 1 49 54 36 00
Souffle Court Editions
216 Impasse du Teura
38190 Bernin
FRENCH (Eco-Economy)
Editions du Seuil
27, rue Jacob
75006 Paris
Phone: 33 1 40 46 50 50
Email: [email protected]
Top of List
G - I
GERMAN (Plan B 2.0, Plan B 3.0, Plan B 4.0)
Kai Homilius Verlag
Brandenburger Str. 36
14542 Werder/Havel
Phone: 49 30 283 88 510
Email: [email protected]
GREECE (World on the Edge)
Ilias Fountoulis
Editio Chronico
Taygetou 21
Athens 11255
Tel.: +302102234031, Mob.: +306944390877
Site: http:/, E-mail: [email protected]
HINDI (Plan B 3.0)
Globally Managed Services
Mumbai Educational Trust, 6th Floor
General A. K. Vaidya Chowk
Bandra Reclamation
Mumbai 400 050, India
Phone: 91 22 644 0000
HUNGARIAN (Plan B 3.0, Plan B 4.0, World on the Edge, Full Planet, Empty Plates, Breaking New Ground, The Great Transition)
David Biro, translator
Electronic Downloads:
Plan B 3.0
Plan B 4.0
World on the Edge
Full Planet, Empty Plates
Breaking New Ground (A Personal History)
The Great Transition
INDIA/English (Plan B 3.0)
Globally Managed Services
Mumbai Educational Trust, 6th Floor
General A. K. Vaidya Chowk
Bandra Reclamation
Mumbai 400 050, India
Phone: 91 22 644 0000
INDIA/English (Eco-Economy, The Reader, Plan B, Outgrowing the Earth)
Orient Longman
3-6-272 Himayat Nagar
Andhra Pradesh
Hyderabad 500 029
Phone: 40 3224305, 3224294
Fax: 40 3222900
Email: [email protected]
INDIA/Tamil (Eco-Economy)
Poovulagin Nanbargal
306/6 Belly Area Anna Nagar Chennai 600 040
Yayasan Obor Indonesia
Jl. Plaju No. 10
Jakarta 10230
(English edition.)
INDONESIAN (Eco-Economy)
Indonesian Greenchoice Foundation
Jl. Gombel Permai VI/91
Semarang 50261
P.T. Dinastindo Adiperkasa Int.
Jalan Kemiri Raya Nomor 68
Pondok Cabe - Ciputat 15418
Phone: 021 7496733
Fax: 021 7407078
ITALIAN (The Reader, Plan B,
Outgrowing the Earth, Plan B 3.0, Plan B 4.0, World on the Edge, Full Planet, Empty Plates,
Breaking New Ground)
Edizioni Ambiente
via Natale Battaglia 10
20127 Milano (Italy)
T. +39 02 45487277 - F. +39 02 45487333
Mobile +39 393 9088688 / +39 347 0161682
[email protected]
ITALIAN (Eco-Economy)
Editori Riuniti
Via Alberico II, 33
00193 Roma
Phone: 39 06 6889951
Fax: 3906 6868696
ITALIAN (Plan B 4.0)
Electronic Download
Top of List
J - R
JAPANESE (The Great Transition)
Iwanami Shoten
2-5-5 Hitotsubashi
Tokyo 101-8002.
JAPANESE (World on the Edge)
Diamond Inc.
6-12-17, Jingu-mae
Tokyo, 150-8409
ph: 81-3-5778-7232
fx: 81-3-5778-6618
JAPANESE (Plan B, Outgrowing the Earth, Plan B 2.0, Plan B 3.0, Plan B 4.0, Full Planet, Empty Plates,
Breaking New Ground)
World Watch Japan
24-1 Bessho 2-chome, Urawa-shi
Saitama 336
Phone/Fax: 813 3235 3690
Email: [email protected]
JAPANESE (Eco-Economy & The Reader)
Ie-No Hikari Association
11 Itigaya-Funagawaramati
Sinjuku-Fu Tokyo 162-1488
Phone: 813 3266 9000
Fax: 813 3266 9048
KOREAN (all books)
110 A/2F. DongYang Bodg., 34-7
Jeong-Dong, Jung-gu
Seoul 100 120
Phone: 82 2 7254884
Fax: 82 2 7254840
Email: [email protected]
MARATHI (Eco-Economy & Plan B 2.0)
Prakash Kardile
Maharashtra, India
Email: [email protected]
NORWEGIAN (Plan B 3.0, Plan B 4.0)
Vats, 3570 Al
Phone: 47 3208 4398
PERSIAN (see Farsi)
POLISH (Eco-Economy & The Reader)
Ksiazka I Wiedza
ul. Smolna 13
00-373 Warszawa
Phone: 48 22 827 94 16
Fax: 48 22 827 94 23
Email: [email protected]
PDF available at
PORTUGUESE/Brazil (Plan B 4.0,World on the Edge)
Virtu Editora e Productora Ltda.
Rua Funchal, 551, 8 andar
CEP 04551-060, Sao Paulo, SP
Phone: 55 11 3048 3100
Fax: 55 11 3845 2428
European Environmental Tribunal & the city of Trancoso, Portugal
Camara Municipal de Trancoso
Copies available for free
UMA - Universidade Livre da Mata
Atlantica Casa Pia -
Av. Frederico Pontes 375
40460-001 Salvador Bahia
Phone/Fax: 55 71 312-7897
Electronic download: Eco-Economy
ROMANIAN (Eco-Economy, The Reader, Outgrowing the Earth, Plan B series,
World on the Edge, Full Planet, Empty Plates)
Editura Tehnica
Piata Presei Libere 1
71341 Bucharest 33
Phone: 40 21 224 3666
Fax: 40 21 252 5077
Email: [email protected]
RUSSIAN (Plan B 4.0)
Limited Company Publishing House Eksmo
Clara Zetkine Str. 18/5
127299 Moscow
RUSSIAN (Eco-Economy)
Ves' Mir Publishers
Kolpachny per., 9a
Moscow 101831
Phone: 7 095 9178749
Fax: 7 095 9179259
Email: [email protected]
RUSSIAN (World on the Edge)
AST-Press Kniga
13, build. 4
Perevedenovsky pereulok
105082 Moscow
Top of List
S - Z
SLOVENIA (Plan B 3.0)
Ucila International
Cesta Kokskega odreda 18
4294 Krize
Phone: 386 459 80000
SPANISH (Plan B 2.0, Plan B 3.0, Plan B 4.0, World on the Edge, Full Planet, Empty Plates,
Breaking New Ground, The Great Transition)
Centre of Studies for Sustainable Development (CEID)
Carrera 7 # 237 - 04
Bogotá, Colombia
Email: [email protected]
SPANISH (Outgrowing the Earth)
Translated by Gerardo Jimenez
Electronic download
SPANISH/Latin America (Eco-Economy)
Fundación Polar
Apdt. Postal 70934 Los Ruices
Caracas, Venezuela
SPANISH/Spain (Eco-Economy)
Hacer Editorial
c/ Carme, 16, 2o 1a
08001 Barcelona SPAIN
Phone/Fax: 34 93 317-5801
SPANISH/Spain & Latin America (Plan B)
Paidos Iberica
Mariano Cubi, 92
08021 Barcelona SPAIN
Phone: 34 93 241 9250
Fax: 34 93 202 2954
Email: [email protected]
SWEDISH (Plan B 4.0 - Uppdrag: rädda civilisationen, World on the Edge, Full Planet, Empty Plates,
Breaking New Ground)
R-H Förlag
Öllers väg 7 D
S-295 74 Näsum
SWEDISH (Plan B 3.0 - Uppdrag: rädda jorden!)
Addera Förlag AB
Box 92010
120 06 Stockholm
Electronic download
SWEDISH (Plan B 2.0)
Chapters available in PDF online at
Kobfai Publishing
Foundation for Democracy & Dev Studies
Pridi Banomyong Bldg.
65/1 Sukhurnfit 55 Road
Wattana, Bangkok 10110
Phone: 66 2 7127402
Fax: 66 2 7127403
TURKISH (Eco-Economy, Outgrowing the Earth, Plan B 3.0)
Cayircimen Sokak
A2 Blok D 10
Emlak Kredi Ploklari
Phone: 90 212 281 1027
Fax: 90 212 281 1132
Email: [email protected]
UNITED KINGDOM/English (Eco-Economy, The Reader,
Outgrowing the Earth, World on the Edge)
Taylor & Francis Group
2&4 Park Square, Milton Park
Abingdon, Oxfordshire, OX14 4RN
Tel: +44 (0)20 7017 6000
UKRAINIAN (Eco-Economy)
Institute for Sustainable Development
24/7 Instytutska St.
Office 49
Kyiv, 01021
Phone: 38 044 5280789
Fax: 38 050 4408102
Email: [email protected]
VIETNAMESE (World on the Edge)
Hanh Lien, translator
Electronic Download
Top of List
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Translations of Plan B Updates, Eco-Economy Indicators, Book Bytes
The following are links to sites offering a variety of translated articles of Earth Policy Institute. EPI is grateful for the work of these remarkable volunteers.
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