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Table of Contents

Lester R. Brown

Eco-Economy: Building an Economy for the Earth

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1. The Economy and the Earth
Economy Self-Destructing
Lessons from the Past
Learning from China
The Acceleration of History
The Option: Restructure or Decline

I. A Stressed Relationship

2. Signs of Stress: Climate & Water
Temperature Rising
The Ice is Melting
Sea Level Rising
More Destructive Storms
Rivers Drained Dry
Falling Water Tables
Facing Water Scarcity

3. Signs of Stress: The Biological Base
Fisheries Collapsing

Forests Shrinking
Rangelands Deteriorating
Soils Eroding
Species Disappearing
Synergies and Surprises

II. The New Economy

4. The Shape of the Eco-Economy
Ecology Over Economics
A Monumental Undertaking
Restructuring the Economy
New Industries, New Jobs
History's Greatest Investment Opportunity

5. Building the Solar/Hydrogen Economy
The Energy Efficiency Base
Harnessing the Wind
Turning Sunlight into Electricity
Tapping the Earth's Heat
Natural Gas: The Transitional Fuel
Getting to the Hydrogen Economy

6. Designing a New Materials Economy
Throwaway Products

Materials and the Environment
The Earth's Toxic Burden
The Role of Recycling
Redesigning the Materials Economy



7. Feeding Everyone Well
A Status Report
Raising Cropland Productivity
Raising Water Productivity
Restructuring the Protein Economy
Eradicating Hunger: A Broad Strategy

8. Protecting Forest Products & Services
Fuel, Lumber and Paper
Forest Services
Sustainable Forestry
Lightening the Load
The Role of Plantations
Reclaiming the Earth

9. Redesigning Cities for People
An Urbanizing Species
Car-Centered Urban Sprawl
Urbanization and Obesity
Urban Rail and Bicycle Systems
Planning Cities for People

III. Getting From Here to There

10. Stabilizing Population by Reducing Fertility
Breaking out or Breaking Down
Africa Breaking Down
Filling the Family Planning Gap
The Role of Female Education
Using Soap Operas and Sitcoms
Stopping at Two

11. Tools for Restructuring the Economy
The Fiscal Steering Wheel
Tax Shifting
Subsidy Shifting
Ecolabeling: Voting With our Wallets
Tradable Permits
Support for Fiscal Restructuring

12. Accelerating the Transition
United Nations Leadership
New Responsibility of Governments
New Role for the Media
The Corporate Interest
NGOs and Individuals
Crossing the Threshold
Is There Enough Time?





Earth Policy Institute
Email: [email protected]


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